
The mythology points out that Heracles put up two columns, considered as the legendary gate between Africa and Europe, of which one of these was founded today´s Gibraltar.An unforgettable journey in which we combine history, multiculturalism, duty free shopping, impressive caves and the funny and famous monkeys of Gibraltar.Once we have crossed the frontier we will start a panoramic visit which includes “Punta de Europa”, the most southern spot in Europe from where we will be even able to contemplate Africa. Admire the photograph views of the Spanish and Moroccan coastlines from the top of the Rock.

Next we will visit the amazing caves of San Miguel followed by the unique opportunity of accompanying the funny and famous monkeys of Gibraltar, a unique breed of monkeys in Old Europe. Legend says that the British will not leave Gibraltar while there are monkeys there.

Then you will have some free-time for yourself, to maybe have some lunch or to explore the bustling pedestrian streets of Gibraltar. The shopping is great on the busy Main Street, a place where everything is sold! Shopping in Gibraltar is known worldwide for its low prices in jewelry, watches, electronic items, spirits, cosmetics and perfumes. There are cafes and bars offering a welcome relief for the visitors.

From : $190.00
Duration: 10 hours
Closed: 25/12 & 01/01.
Departure from: 08:00 am Terminal Andalsur: Avenida de la Constitucion
Finishing: Terminal Andalsur or hotel.
Departures are Not guaranteed and subject to confirmation.
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