Hapsburg’s Madrid Walking Tour + Royal Palace (AM)

El Escorial
Hapsburgs: This is the name given to Madrid when the Hapsburg dynasty reigned in Spain. This reign began with Charles I, who enriched the city with palaces and monuments. Later, Philip II made it the capital of Spain and the city grew dramatically. The journey through the Renaissance and Baroque style buildings of this era is perhaps one of the most picturesque and representative of Madrid. During the tour, we will stop at one of the most emblematic Cafés of this popular area of Madrid, where you will be offered a drink.Royal Palace: Built in the XVIII century upon the ancient Baroque Italian style Alcassar of the Austrias. It is one of the most beautiful and best preserved palaces in Europe and a symbol of the permanence of Madrid as the capital of the Kingdom. The Palace was the official residence of the Spanish Monarchy from 1765 to 1931. To date, the most stunning receptions of the Spanish Crown are celebrated here, such as audiences, dinner parties, signature of agreements and the traditional ceremony of presentation of Credential Letters of foreign ambassadors to His Majesty the King.
FROM: $79.00
Duration: 3 hrs & 30 min
Destination: MADRID CIUDAD
Departure: 09:30 am
Only when weather permits
Closed: 01/05, 12/10, 09/11 24/12, 25/12, 31/12, 01/01, 05/01, 06/01 & during official events.
Small Groups: From 2 to 12 people
Tour only: $41.00
Deparure & arrival from: Plaza de España, 7
We recommend comfortable shoes.
Period: 01/04/14-31/03/15
TIME 09:30
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